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Coming Easter 2021!


Spreading a Passion for Planting Churches

At Redemption City Church we have become fond of saying that we “planted pregnant.” Our desire in starting Redemption City Church was to train up and send out more gospel proclaimers in many new churches and missions efforts. We want to fill our city and region with a bold, faithful network of churches standing firm against the current of the culture and plowing forward proclaim the kingdom of Christ. From the first day we had begun to identify potential planters and train them up for faithful church leadership. After four years we are excited to finally send out the fruit of those labors to plant many more fruit bearing works. Please take time to get to know, pray for, support, and consider joining Grace City Church!


The Vision of Grace City Church

Paul summarized his discipleship and evangelism strategy in 1 Thess. 2:8 like this: “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well." We are taking this same strategy. We want to be a church of disciples who love others by not only sharing the Gospel from the pulpit through expository preaching and in everyday conversations, but also by sharing our lives with each other and with those far from God.

 There are roughly 120,000 people in Rochester and only 15% of them go to a Sunday church service. That means over 100,000 of our neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family are not even showing up on Sunday mornings, much less living robust lives of love and worship of Jesus in their everyday lives.

In Southeast Rochester, the need is particularly glaring. SE Rochester contains about a quarter of the total population of the city, but only about ten percent of the total churches. There is also greater cultural and ethnic diversity and a greater density of poverty, addiction, and crime in this part of the city. SE Rochester needs another Christ-exalting, Gospel-preaching church that will commit to being light in and bringing love to this part of the city. Grace City desires to be that church.



Joe Zayas

Joe and his beautiful wife Martha have been married since June 27th, 2020. They are both excited to see where the Lord will bring them as they grow together in the Lord. Joe is originally from the state of Washington and Martha is from Egypt. He is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity degree in Great Commision Studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary via distance learning. God has used his Word and personal experience to call him to plant a church in Rochester. Joe has been convinced that one of the main means God uses to bring the gospel of the Kingdom to earth and grow His people is through planting churches. He has a strong desire to see God's name lifted high in all the earth through domestic and international missions. Joe loves to spend time with his wife watching movies, spending time with friends and family, and eating Martha's amazing Egytpian cooking, followed up by a healthy serving of ice cream. In his free time, he enjoys reading, lifting weights, and going on long runs with friends talking about Jesus and life.