Training Christians for Faithful Real life mission

One of the primary goals of Redemption City Church since the beginning has been to train up faithful men and women to represent the reign of King Jesus and to be bold in their proclamaton of his salvation by his death and resurrection.

Rochester, MN is a strategic city for reaching the world with the good news of the gospel. Millions of people come to this city every year for medical training and care. This is a mission field to the world, yet not everyone is equipped for being on mission.

Redemption began its School of Theology to train lay-persons to be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in them (1 Peter 3:15). But many have wanted more. And there is a great void in this city for solid Christian post-secondary education.

With this vision, we have been working with Bethlehem College & Seminary to begin an extension site in Rochester where anyone can earn a bachelors or masters degree in theology and exegesis while staying committed to their current work.

Though we are small and the school will start small, we are convinced that through our simple, ordinary faithfulness, God will multiply a disproportionate impact in the world for the kingdom of Christ through men and women eager to be better equipped in their jobs to stand for Jesus.

For more information ont the program, check out the Bethlehem Rochester Extension page below.